TO: All Interested Parties
FROM: Ricky L. Clark, Jr., City Manager
DATE: April 21, 2020
SUBJECT: Governor Kemp’s Recent Press Conference and Executive Order
On April 20, Governor Kemp announced the reopening of certain businesses listed below,
and issued Executive Order According to the governor, these listed businesses are not
opening for business as usual but with minimum basic operations, adhering to social distancing
and sanitation guidance. The governor also indicated that there will be an order issued within the
next few days permitting theaters, private social clubs, and restaurant dine-in services to re-open
- Healthcare Practices/Services:
o Effective immediately, all healthcare related practices and services may begin
operating again in compliance with CDC guidelines. However, they are not subject
to minimum basic operations restrictions as provided in the Governor’s shelter in
place order. It is recommended that they implement the operational guidelines for
critical infrastructure.
o This includes all medical, dental, orthodontics, optometry, and physical therapy
practices, surgical centers, healthcare institutions, medical facilities, and all other
healthcare related practices and services.
Beginning Friday, April 24, 2020, the following businesses are permitted to begin in- person minimum
operations, as long as they implement specific measures to mitigate the spread of COVID-19:
o Gyms, fitness centers, bowling alleys, body art studios, estheticians,
cosmetologists, nail salons, barbers, hair stylists, and massage therapists are
permitted to begin in-person minimum operations.
- 10 Person Maximum or 6ft Distancing Requirements Still Apply:
o Businesses, non-profits, organizations, counties, and municipalities are still
required to allow no more than 10 persons to be gathered at a single location if such
gathering requires persons to be within 6 feet of any other person. Does not apply
to critical infrastructure or persons that are cohabitating
- Additional Businesses listed as Critical Infrastructure:
o Staffing operations centers, maintaining and repairing critical infrastructure,
operating call centers, working construction, and performing operational functions,
among others. It also includes workers who support crucial supply chains and
enable functions for critical infrastructure. The industries they support represent,
but are not limited to, medical and healthcare, telecommunications, information
technology systems, defense, food and agriculture, transportation and logistics,
energy, water and wastewater, law enforcement, and public works
- Municipal ordinances:
o All ordinances regarding enforcing restrictions to combat COVID-19 that are more
or less restrictive than the Governor’s orders are suspended. The City cannot adopt
another ordinance on the topic
- All of the other provisions in the shelter in place order are still effective and will expire on
April 30th, unless another order is issued stating the contrary.
As noted above, the City is prohibited from adopting an ordinance that is more or less
restrictive than the Governor’s executive orders regarding COVID-19; however, we
encourage everyone to please use your best judgement. We will continue to enforce social
distancing for those aforementioned businesses that may reopen pursuant to the Governor’s
order. PLEASE comply and avoid more stringent action.
The City of Jonesboro is collaborating with local, regional, and state agencies and
organizations to provide accurate information and assistance to residents and businesses.
There have been 482 new cases of COVID-19 and 24 additional deaths reported to state
officials since last night. COVID-19 is continuing to spread in our nation. But together, we
can slow it down, saving lives. Everyone, young and old, should avoid all non-essential
contact. Our number one priority remains your safety! All of the steps taken by our
government are for your health. We are all in this together and can do our part to help
flatten the curve. Our staff remains available to assist you with any issues and/or questions
Thank you for your unwavering commitment to our city, our county and our nation.
Ricky L. Clark, Jr.
City Manager