Community Policing

The Jonesboro Police Department believes that Community policing is a philosophy that promotes organizational strategies that support the systematic use of partnerships and problem-solving techniques to proactively address the immediate conditions that give rise to public safety issues such as crime, social disorder, and fear of crime.

The Jonesboro Police Department will institute a system of allocating police officers to specific areas so that they become familiar with the local inhabitants:

= This will foster consistent communication between the community and law enforcement.

= This process will also bring in the viewpoints of the public.

SCOPE logo


The Jonesboro Police Department is committed to the well-being of our Senior Citizens, which is the sole purpose for creating SCOPE- Senior Citizens' Outreach Plus Engagement. By encouraging social interaction with regular phone calls, identifying the needs of our seniors, and providing them with resources, such as fresh vegetables from the Community Garden, The SCOPE program will serve as a lifeline for our senior community. Every member of the Jonesboro Police Department team will be assigned a list of seniors to check on regularly. To sign up yourself or a loved one for the SCOPE Program,visit 

Community Garden Club

The Community Garden Club of Jonesboro is currently underway! Membership is now open to all residents and businesses of Jonesboro. The Community Garden of Jonesboro was created in an effort to support the SCOPE Program and provide a social component for our community. The community garden will be a great way to bring the community together and enhance the neighborhood. The garden will create a recreational outlet and access to fresh fruits and vegetables. To sign up for garden membership, submit the Community Garden Club Application