
City-Wide Sanitation Service

In an effort to better the level and quality of service we provide to our residents and to preserve the cleanliness of the area in which we reside, the City of Jonesboro Mayor & Council voted favorably for city-wide garbage collection. This mandate provides all residential homes with citywide, curbside garbage collection. Property Owners pay a garbage collection fee of a flat rate of $225.00 per year.

This program was voted and approved on October 13th, will became effective, January 1, 2014. We pick up garbage on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Non Pick-up Items:

  • Paint
  • Chemicals
  • Motor Oil
  • Car Batteries
  • Large amounts of cooking oil
  • Metal will be accepted, but must be placed outside the garbage container, NOT INSIDE

For service or billing inquiries, please contact Jonesboro City Hall, (770) 478-3800

Mandatory Garbage Collection Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is Citywide Garbage Collection?
This is a service that will be provided to all residential homes within the City limits of Jonesboro.

What is the City's Fee for collecting Garbage?
The City will assess an annual fee of $225.00, per residential unit, to Property Owners. 

Can I still make quarterly payments?
No. The fee of $225.00 must be paid at the same time ad valorem taxes are due and payable. 

What days will Garbage be collected?
Our regular pickup days will be on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and on most holidays during the year, except for the following: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day., Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day, when they will be picked up on the following day after the holiday. If regularly scheduled pickup falls on one of the above designated holidays, collection will resume on the next day after the holiday. 

How much will I be assessed for duplexes, triplexes & quadriplexes?
For a duplex - $225 x 2 = $450.00 per year
For a triplex - $225 x 3 = $675.00 per year
For a quadriplex - $225 x 4 = $900.00 per year 

How much will I be assessed should I request an additional can on my property?

Additional trash cans for residential properties are $120.00 each per year and additional trash cans for commerical properties are $144.00 each per year. 

What happens if I fail to pay for garbage collection?
A lien will be recorded against your property and the garbage can(s) removed.

As property owner, will I be required to pay for garbage collection on vacant lots?
No. Only properties that have thereupon a Residential Unit shall be charged the garbage collection fee.

When will I receive my Garbage Can?
All garbage cans should be delivered to your residential home, no later than December 31, 2014.

What if I do not receive a can?
If you do not receive a can, please contact City Hall at 770-478-3800.

Where should I place my Garbage Can for emptying?
Garbage Cans must be set out by the curb no earlier than 6:00 p.m. on the day before or no later than 7 a.m. on the day of collection. They must be retrieved no later than 9 p.m. on collection day.

How can I replace a damaged can?
Please contact City Hall at 770-478-3800.

What other services are provided?
In addition to garbage collection, we will also pick up leaf and limbs as done in the past.

What days will leaf and limb be picked up?
Leaf and Limb will be picked up on Mondays & Fridays. Limb piles can be no bigger than 3ft. by 3ft. by 3ft. 

Is bulky trash pickup available (i.e. refrigerators, sofas, washer & dryers, t.v.'s, etc.)?
Yes. Bulky Trash pickup is available only upon request.